Want To Hit Your Writing Goals? Join The Goal Trackers! | Author Pamela Kelley
Pamela Kelley
Pamela Kelley
Pamela Kelley
Pamela Kelley

Want to hit your writing goals? Join the Goal Trackers!

Goal TrackersA few years ago, myself and two other girls drove to New Jersey for their annual RWA writers conference. It’s a really great conference, and I highly recommend it if you haven’t been. It’s usually held in the Fall and because of the proximity to NYC, there are generally many more agents and editors attending than you’d typically see at a smaller local conference.

The year we went, all attendees received red rubber bracelets donated by Shirley Hailstock. We fell in love with these bracelets and the white lettering that read New York Times Bestseller-In-Training. The idea for this group was created on the long car ride home, when several people said that they could use a little nudge to keep them focused on their writing goals.

The purpose of this group is simple, to support fellow writers, and to report in each week on your writing progress, how many words written, or revised, or whatever your goal is for the week. The goal can be changed each week, depending on what your needs are, but the purpose of the group is to try to achieve whatever goal you set for the week. So, you announce your goal at the beginning of the week, and report in the following week with results. If you need to skip a week, or two, you do….this group is about cheering you on, and supporting you when you want to be supported. We sometimes do writing challenges too, for 30 minutes at a time, and that is a great, fun way to rack up the words quickly.

We went strong for awhile, then fell off as life got in the way…..but now with the New Year approaching, we are ready to join in again…..if you’d like to join in, click the link below and we will see you soon! The more the merrier.


Click to join Goaltracking

Click to join Goaltracking


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