New Release, Missing Melissa Is Now Available | Author Pamela Kelley
Pamela Kelley
Pamela Kelley
Pamela Kelley
Pamela Kelley

New Release, Missing Melissa is now available

I am excited to announce a new release! Missing Melissa is now available and is part of the River’s End Ranch series that I write with Kirsten Osbourne, Cindy Caldwell, Amelia Adams and Caroline Lee. Readers so far seem to be loving Jack and Melissa’s story. Here’s a sampling of reviews so far,

“A sweet read about mysterious book owner Melissa and Bernie’s police officer brother Jack with an important message about domestic abuse.”

“I like the way Pamela had a way of weaving in an awful subject matter then turned it into a positive tender love story. Just a great story no matter how you read it! She has a way of bringing you into the characters emotions, Pamela is a very talented author I have enjoyed all her books. This one was such a delight.”

“I seriously want to move here and be come a member of this group of friends! Very sweet story. I have been waiting for Melissa’s story and wasn’t disappointed at all.”
“My favorite Rivers End Ranch book so far! Obviously I loved this book. From the first page I was hooked.”
Here’s the blurb,

A fake marriage between friends

An abusive ex-boyfriend
Is one the solution to the other?
When Melissa Winchester learns that Cooper, her ex,  has tracked her down and may be on his way from Boston to Riston, she decides to add cameras to her home alarm system.
Local cop, Jack Jennings, has a better proposal–marry him, ASAP. When Jack first met Melissa, it was love at first sight. But that’s nothing new for Jack, so when he confesses to his sister Bernie that he thinks Melissa may be ‘the one’, she doesn’t take him seriously.
Romance is the last thing on Melissa’s mind. It’s been months since she moved cross country and she was just starting to relax and enjoy her new home. Running the book shop in the Old Town at the ranch has been a dream come true. Though she reluctantly agrees to marry Jack, as she gets to know him better, she worries that her heart won’t be safe when this arrangement ends.
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