Losing 20 Pounds, Day 3 | Author Pamela Kelley
Pamela Kelley
Pamela Kelley
Pamela Kelley
Pamela Kelley

Losing 20 pounds, Day 3

ivypoolYesterday went well. I didn’t make it to the gym as it was rainy and blah outside, just like it is right now, but I did venture to the basement and used the treadmill desk that has been looking pretty and oh so neglected in a corner of my basement.  Ivy Lou, my 7 year old Maine Coon cat that I got last Summer from a shelter, was not happy about the situation. She is a very funny girl.  When I first got her and she was settling into the condo, she used to cry sometimes when she’d wake up and wasn’t sure where I was. I’d call her and she’d come running. She still sometimes gets upset when I take a shower, if I don’t leave the door open a crack so she can check on me if she wants. I think it’s the sound of the water that bothers her maybe. As soon as I turn it off, the crying stops.

So, last night around seven, when I went into the basement to walk for half an hour, she was thoroughly confused. I haven’t used my basement much since I adopted her, so she’s not used to me being down there. Much crying ensued. After about ten minutes, she tentatively joined me and jumped on the edge of the sofa, howling. She sat there and watched me walk for the next ten minutes, occasionally letting out a good howl to let me know she hadn’t approved this activity. And then, apparently bored, she disappeared back upstairs. Cracked me up.

I stayed in last night, so there was no wine to derail the diet, and I did a good job with having smaller portions. I split a six ounce leftover piece of chicken into two servings with roasted potatoes and had that for both lunch and dinner. Lots of water. On the menu today is scrambled eggs for breakfast with a banana. Eggs seem to keep me full a lot longer than anything else. Lunch or dinner will be an onion soup burger…minus the cheese and bun, with an arugula side salad dressed in lemon and oil. I’ll share that recipe tomorrow after I make them, as I usually change things up a little.

I may treat myself tonight to a little banana ‘ice-cream’, while I watch the Country Music Awards. I never used to be a country music fan, until a few years ago, when my brother came to visit from Seattle and after a night out, we came home and flipped channels and landed on the CMA awards and he told me who all the bands were and who I’d probably like, and he was right. Sugarland was the first country CD I bought, followed by Carrie Underwood, Blake Shelton, MIranda Lambert and Little Big Town. Now I always have my car stereo on country music, much to my good friend Steve’s dismay. He hates it, and would listen to Pearl Jam radio 24/7 if he could….actually now he can. He just got satellite radio and there is a Pearl Jam station. 🙂

Nashville Dreams AmazonI like country music so much, that I’m writing a book set in that world right now. Nashville Dreams.  Here’s a peek at the cover, which I adore.  And here is a link to the recipe for banana ‘ice-cream’. It really makes a surprisingly creamy gelato like ice-cream from just bananas and a bit of vanilla. I usually slip a spoonful of raspberry jam in mine too for a hint of flavor and sweetness.

Since I started writing this post, the heavy rain turned to snow! Giant, fluffy flakes. Very pretty, but am hoping it doesn’t decide to stick around.  🙂


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